Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Human Interest

Human interest is a portrait of a person's life that describes the atmosphere / mood and raises sympathy from the person who sees it.
Initially, human interest photography is more included in the part of photo journalism, which describes life and human interaction with the environment, and then aims to knock people's hearts to sympathize and do something to help the subject of the photograph.
In photojournalism, human interest is included in the feature section. This section is usually inserted and not for headlines. Categories of human interest are more about the lives of individuals or ordinary people that are rarely reviewed.
Human Interest is wide enough but often mixed with other categories such as Portrait photography, culture photography (culture), street photography, travel photography, conceptual photography.
Most human interest photos are portraying people's lives with a weak economy or in the interior, but the actual human interest is not limited to the subjects of lower class society, but also includes a portrait of success from upper-class society. Human interest photos can consist of one photo or a series of photos that tell a story.

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